Intro to AI via cartoons always delivers with the thoughtful and funny

Kicking off this month with a primer on AI from This is from 2015, so there have probably been leaps in AI since this was written, but it is helpful as an anchor.

There are three types of AI:

  • Artificial Narrow Intelligence: We’re here now. AI that can reliably deliver better outcomes than a human brain, such as navigating with a map on your phone and getting customized music recommendations.
  • Artificial General Intelligence: This is AI that can reason and solve problems. We’re not here yet.
  • Artificial Superintelligence: This is intelligence that greatly exceeds human intelligence across all spectrums. This could be closer than we think.

This primer on AI goes into a lot of detail on the exponential increase of computing power over time as well.

When I think about AI’s applications for recruiting and HR, I think of many areas that artificial narrow intelligence is just starting to be applied. Recommendations based on past choices can be generated with existing data. And I also see the potential for recreating bias; this comes up over and over again as a concern with AI for recruiting. I’m curious to read more about how that can be addressed.